FSN Career Journey

“Each member of FSN is valued, as we respect each other’s culture, religion, and background. We also value teamwork, and always encourage our employees to increase their understanding of human differences and acknowledge cultural differences. In FSN, every opinion is valued, so we always encourage our employees to speak up, and their opinion is always considered.” - HR Team

Our Hiring Process

  • Step 1Application upon job announcements

    FSN will post job openings on our LinkedIn and website.

  • Step 2Screening and reviews

    The applicants' CV will be preliminary screened and reviewed by the HR team to select shortcut lists for the interviews.

  • Step 3Interviews

     Interviews will be held either online or at the FSN office to select the suitable candidate.

  • Step 4Job offer

     If the applicant is selected, he or she will receive a job offer package.

  • Step 5On-boarding

    Both of our international and Saudi candidates will receive on-boarding training and orientation to adapt to the FSN work culture and flow.