Our HSE Policy

At Faisal S. Al Naimi Co. Ltd., we believe that integrating safety and health into every operation of our company is of utmost importance. The health and safety of our employees continues to be the first consideration in our operations. Thus, FSN strives to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing our operations. We conduct our processes and operations in a manner to reduce or eliminate the conditions that could cause injury to or health issues for our employees. Employees are consistently urged to report unsafe conditions in their workplace and work with management to eliminate these conditions where they may exist.

FSN has empowered all employees the right to initiate to stop any work or job they feel is unsafe until concerns are addressed and a work safety plan can be applied.

Quality or production goals do not supersede the safety of our employees. The company’s management accepts responsibility for providing a safe working environment and employees are expected to take responsibility for performing work in accordance with safe standards and practices.

Within the scope and applicability of our safety program, the company will ensure the effective implementation of our HSE principles to assist in achieving our established goal of zero incidents. To accomplish this goal, we ask each of our employees to commit not only to their safety but the safety of their coworkers and their community as well. Supervisors and all levels of management have this same commitment. Management will strive to continually improve quality and safety by establishing, implementing, and enforcing proper safety standards and best practices at every location.

Obligations & Responsibilities


  Will provide and maintain:

  • A safe working environment and a safe System of work
  • Plant and substance in safe condition
  • Facilities for welfare of workers
  • Information, instruction, training and supervision that is reasonably necessary to ensure that the worker is safe from injury and risk to health
  • A commitment to consult and co- operate with workers in all matters relating to health and safety in the workplace
  • A commitment to continually improve our performance through effective safety



Each worker has an obligation to:

  • Comply with safe work practices and any direction given by management for health, safety & environment
  • Take reasonable care of the health, safety and environment of themselves and others
  • Comply with all PPE’s and clothing procedures
  • Not misuses or interfere with anything provided for health, safety & environment
  • Report all accidents and incidents on the job immediately, no matter how trivial
  • Report all known or observed hazards to their supervisor or manager